Some years ago while attending a banking conference in Athens, I was introduced to a fellow delegate by a colleague as “Murray Freeman, our in-house spin doctor”. On shaking hands, I inquired if the gentleman was also in marketing. “No” he responded, “but we share some of the same skills, I’m a lawyer”.
Not funny I know but it sums up for many the murkier side of the practice of law. Or just maybe, we watch too many TV shows and movies that are lawyer related?
When planning a vacation, selecting a hotel, going to a restaurant for the first time or looking for a service provider; plumber, electrician, builder, a friend’s recommendation is a great resource.
But what happens if you don’t have a friend to guide you, and you are searching for a lawyer in another country? From firsthand experience, I can confirm that it pays to take time to surf the Internet and accumulate information by reading the appraisals and feedback posts of clients to gain critical insight.
This is the path I choose, which led me to Adv. Juan Carlos Perez Hernández.
Having predetermined that I required an attorney with strong credentials and real-world understanding, an advocate that cares passionately about consumer rights with an in-depth knowledge of Ecuadorian law to be my voice, the selection of Mr. Carlos Perez, proved the right choice.
From the outset, Mr. Carlos Perez was understanding of my needs, while communication was a pleasure given his excellent English.
Contemplating legal action against a company based in Ecuador initially proved stressful. The stress level was quickly reduced by Mr. Carlos Perez’s positive forward path to handling the matter.
While I am far from Paz Horowitz’s most lucrative client, I am certainly an appreciative client and delighted to recommend the legal services of Mr. Carlos Perez.