1. A celebration and three deaths:
Celebrating her 80th birthday this past week is a music icon and diva per excellence – Tina Turner
Gary Rhodes, 59, a British restaurateur and television chef, known for his love of British cuisine and ingredients and for his distinctive spiked hairstyle, a chef that "created a renaissance" of British cuisine.
Jonathan Miller, n English theatre and opera director, actor, author, television presenter, humourist, and medical doctor.
Clive James, Australian-born critic, broadcaster and writer who lived and worked in the United Kingdom from 1961 until his death. He began his career specializing in literary criticism before becoming television critic where he made his name for his wry, deadpan humor.
2. Does Israel really need yet another political party? Apprantly so.
The coming week will see the launch of The New Liberal Party of Israel.
Why do the founder members feeling we need another party and why do they feel that they have the answers to israel’s ills?
Watch this space.
3. No Quick and Dirty Way to Dump Bibi. Great article written by Ravit Hecht, for the Haaretz newspaper.
4. What made the Times of Israel use a photo of discredited rabbi Yona Metzger in their recent story about Ikea Israel becoming kosher to courting ultra-Orthodox consumers?
The man was found guilty of bribery, money laundering, and income tax violations and in 2017 sentenced to four-and-a-half years in prison
5. Another rabbi apparently in hot water is Yohanan Hayut, El Al Airlines chief rabbi. He has been questioned by police over suspicions that alongside his son, a notorious suspected conman, he defrauded hundreds of millions of shekels from business people.
Leaving aside the police investigation, why does EL AL, a commercial enterprise, require a rabbi? And given that Hayut’s title is chief rabbi, the assumption is that EL AL employees a group of rabbis, why, for what purpose?
6. Possible slap on the wrist for i24; allegations the channel tilted coverage to curry PM’s favor in an effort to receive license to broadcast in Israel
7. Tel Aviv’s Shabbat buses barrel through Israel’s religious-secular rift. Secular activists say lack of public transit on Shabbat is prime manifestation of religious coercion, but opponents argue the buses are part of broader trend of creeping secularism. https://www.timesofisrael.com/tel-avivs-shabbat-buses-barrel-through-israels-religious-secular-rift/