I am pessimistic about the future of a democratic Israel. One only has to look at Aryeh Deri’s comments from yesterday “If judges bar me from being a minister, we’ll legislate to overrule them”.
Yes, to a degree it is a provocation on his part, playing to his mindless, blind supporters, nevertheless, there is an underlying threat in the statement to Israel’s democracy.
In my naivety, I had expected Deri to mention Yom Kippur, or for that matter to say a few words marking the 49th anniversary of the Yom Kippur War. But of course, the inflated ego of Deri and his ilk demand recognition of their persecution by the “Ashkenazi elite”. Poor sod!
I understand that for the vast majority of Haredim (if not all), democracy is considered a secular vice that has zero value in their view of life and Judaism.
I would point out that there is a near-constant ebb and flow of countries around the world changing format and structure. Simply take a look at global geography over the past 150 years to prove the point.
Recently I was, yet again taken to task, for expressing “negative/leftwing views”. Nothing is further from the truth. Just take a look at the projected statistics to see the estimated growth of the Haredi community in Israel.
“Lies, damned lies, and statistics” is a much-used phrase popularized by Mark Twain and attributed to the British prime minister Benjamin Disraeli. In the case of Haredi growth, the statistics tell a chilling story.
An acquaintance the other day raised the question of who would serve in years to come in the IDF. It would of course be too much to hope that by that time the regional conflict would have been resolved. Instead, a Haredi prime minister will need to consider the need to employ citizens of Thailand, the Philippines, India, and “goyem” from various other countries to defend the enclave of Israel. The problem of course is where the money comes from to pay them and support the Haredim in a lifestyle they have become accustomed to.
As I wrote above, I often find myself under attack, not physically thank goodness, because I am unable or unwilling to label myself left, center or right, and by default identify with a particular camp or creed.
Like many in Israel, maybe more than we know or people care to admit to, I have different stances on a range of issues. I don’t want to be identified by a single, all-encompassing label.
I consider myself a conservative/nationalist. Indeed, to borrow a line from the musical Evita, on some issues I stand “Slightly to the right of Attila the Hun”.
I am proud of my center-right conservative outlook. I am equally proud of being called a liberal hawk. And I am proud of being labeled inconsistent, inconsequential, and irrelevant. I encompass a rainbow of views, feelings, dreams, and aspirations for Israel.
It’s no secret that I rage at the disappointment of those that we elect to govern us. Of course, no one is to blame but us.