“MK Ofer Shelah attacks Gantz over lack of involvement in annexation plans”
In the opening paragraph of this article, Ofer Shelah refers to Gantz as “Netanyahu's clerk”.
“Yesh Atid MK Ofer Shelah criticized Defense and Alternate Prime Minister Benny Gantz on Twitter on Wednesday morning, addressing his involvement, or rather lack thereof, in the annexation process and stating that "he has no position, no influence – he's simply Netanyahu's clerk."
I take exception to Shalah’s description of Gantz.
Firstly calling Gantz Bibi’s clerk is simply too tame, there are many other far more apt descriptions of this backstabber that could be used. But, have no fear, shortly Gantz will himself be stabbed in the back by Bibi, there is already talk of canceling the rotation agreement, forcing Gantz to accept the presidency when Ruby Rivlin steps down. Gantz will simply become a footnote in Israel’s history. And it’s no more than he deserves.
The other issue I have with Shalah’s description of Gantz is the disservice this label does to tens of thousands of hard-working, dedicated clerical staff across the country who ensure that the wheels of government keep turning smoothly. While some, are no doubt Bibi supports, to bunch them with this turncoat is an affront.
Dr. Mike Evans: 750 million evangelicals support West Bank annexation.
“I don't know anything about an annexation plan being drawn up, but I know about a sovereignty plan”
Although it's not clear from either the headline or the article, I assume that the number quoted is within the US. On paper, this sounds impressive representing as it does around 25% of the US population.
I have two issues with Mike Evans:
He and his brethren appear to blindly embrace the teaching and authority of their church and beliefs and the historical accuracy of the Bible, which to many is simply a collection of fairy stories.
And, where the hell does this man get off telling the citizens of Israel what they should and should not be doing. If annexation does come about and an armed conflict erupts, as it surely will do, where will Evans and people be, safe and sound in the US? What right does he have to interfere with Israel’s internal affairs? Because of the Bible?
I have not seen Evans standing up and speaking out on the race issue in the US. For them I guess, Black Lives (don’t)Matter!
Dep. transportation minister: “Women should sit at back of bus”
“Haredi lawmaker Uri Maklev urges public to accept discriminatory arrangement for ultra-Orthodox communities despite 2011 High Court ruling banning such practices, says the move is 'for the benefit of women'”
Reading the comments of this person, I had another name in mind for him, I am simply flabbergasted. In which century is this man living? Where is he living?
He goes on to say "It's a justified arrangement, this isn't discrimination but for the benefit of women," said United Torah Judaism lawmaker Uri Maklev in an interview with Haredi newspaper Bakehila (in the community)."
What’s “justified”, to treat women as second class citizens. And what benefit is there to women, other than discrimination?
One thing is for sure, this form of discrimination will never see the light of day in (the Free State of) Tel Aviv. You have to feel sorry for the women who are dominated in this way, told what to think, what to say.
Again I have two issues; in Maklev’s warped world, why does a transgender person sit on the bus; back or front?
And,in this twilight world of Maklev’s, would a man be a gentleman and give up his seat for an elderly or pregnant lady? From from I can see, dream on!
And lastly, other than to give “jobs to the boys” why the hell do we need a deputy transportation minister. What a waste of money.
“MKs okay retroactive tax benefits for Netanyahu worth hundreds of thousands”
“Controversial vote passes in absence of lawmakers from Blue and White; critics blast ‘delusional’ decision at time of economic hardship due to pandemic”
The Times of Israel article spells out exactly the details of this heist.
And, I never thought I’d see the day when I agree with (opposition Yamina MK) Bezalel Smotrich but I have to give him credit for his protest at the “unfortunate timing of the vote”, just maybe he’s got balls after all?
Then we come to Yossi Verter brilliant analysis published yesterday, Friday, June 26, 2020, in Haaretz.
The headline reads “Netanyahu Having Trouble Feeding His Family? In the State of Bibistan, Everything's Possible”
The opening three paragraphs are simply a delight to read:
“In other countries, 100,000 people would have taken to the streets after the prime minister’s lackeys made this absurd claim.”
“It’s impossible for your jaw not to drop at the wickedness, gall and arrogance displayed by the inhabitants of the prime minister’s residence. The more the existential distress deepens for hundreds of thousands of unemployed Israelis, the more they cry out for help and are denied the aid they deserve by a parsimonious government, the greater the Netanyahus’ appetite to raid the state coffers.”
“Instead of restraint, modesty and setting an example as other Israeli leaders have done in the past and cutting his salary a bit, Benjamin Netanyahu is exploiting the public coffers as if possessed by a demon.”
And later in the article, this wonderful paragraph appears:
“All those prime ministers, even the most self-indulgent, had the grace to do their complaining behind the scenes. Unlike the emperor and his wife, it never occurred to their predecessors to put on the theater of the absurd that we saw this week. They sent their Rosencrantz and Guildenstern, in the persons of Likud lawmakers Miki Zohar and Shlomo Karai, to seek alms for the paupers of Balfour Street.”
Zohar and Karai as Rosencrantz and Guildenstern, it’s simply beyond words. Unfortunately, I suspect that Zohar and Karai are too dumb to even understand the reference.
But, for Tweedle Dumb and Tweedle Dee, and others, it goes to show that the gangsters refrain in “Kiss Me Kate” (based on Shakespeare’s Taming of the Shrew) “Brush up your Shakespeare, Start quoting him now”, were right, and that the study of the Bard of Stratford-on-Avon is worthwhile.
And, because I assume Tweedle Dumb and Tweedle Dee don’t know who Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are, I’ve added the following:
“Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are characters in William Shakespeare's tragedy Hamlet. They are childhood friends of Hamlet, summoned by King Claudius to distract the prince from his apparent madness and if possible to ascertain the cause of it.”
A little over a year ago, June 6, 2019, Yossi Verter refereed to Netanyahu's poodle–in-chief, Amir Ohana.
Yossi Verter wrote “Amir Ohana will the first justice minister in Israeli history who was appointed due to one dominant characteristic: His long tongue. Ohana’s canine-like loyalty and total obsequiousness to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, repeatedly demonstrated in interviews dripping with flattery on the one hand and venom toward the Supreme Court and institutional gatekeepers on the other, paid off, big-time.”
What we can do in lump Tweedle Dumb and Tweedle Dee together with Amir Ohana and, hey presto, who have the reincarnation of Larry, Moe and Curly. (I’ll leave the poodles to work out the reference. And wouldn't be nice to include Miri Regev in this cluster?)
Two voices we have not heard from are Israel’s minister of finance Israel Katz and Israel’s minister of economics, Amir Peretz. I wonder why?
And it would be wonderful to be a fly-on-the-wall and hear the ranting and raving of her who-must-be obeyed.
Previously, I described Sara Netanyahu thus:
“If the adage is to be believed, "Behind every successful man, stands a powerful woman", then Sara Netanhyua personifies that belief tenfold. She is described by many as a cross between Eva Peron (Evita), Maria Antoine, and Elena Ceaușescu. “
I went on to write: “Sara Netanhyua is perceived in the Israeli media as a devious, scheming woman. She has been branded a bully, a tyrant, a holder of gurges against those she feels have demeaned or undercut her, and her family. The stories about her are legendary here in Israel.”
How much is she (and the boy wonder) responsible for the “robbery”?
“Netanyahu is driving the incitement that will lead to murder.”
So wrote Shelly Yachimovich in a Ynet opinion piece published June 25, 2020.
“In the shadow of an attack on prominent journalist and decorated IDF veteran Amnon Abramovich, it is clear that it is just a matter of time until we see a deadly escalation, sponsored by the country's inciter in chief.”
It’s funny, now that she back behind a radio mike, I rather like her take on affairs.
In the opening draft of a piece that I entitled 2022: The Eclipse of Democracy, I’ve set the story following Netanyahu’s seizure of power and his self-proclamation of his presidency and the subsequent round-up and detention of members of the Fourth Estate.
(Miri Regev becomes minister responsible for the stamping out of “fake news”, replacing it with “wholesome news” that shows Netanyahu in the very best light. Watch this space.)