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Journal Entry: July 5, 2020

This past weekend, Likud’s Tzachi Hanegbi proved, yet again, that you don’t need to be an intellectual to be elected to the Knesset. Any moron with a big, run-away mouth that is not in sync with the owner's brain, can find a place among the near 120 wallies in Jerusalem.

Tzachi Hanegbi takes back dismissal of claim that 'people have nothing to eat” -

Likud Minister Hanegbi says complaining of hunger is populist bulls**t The minister-without-portfolio's page on Wikipedia was changed temporarily to open with the words "Tzachi Hanegbi is a corrupt, opportunistic pig." -

So, although Hanegbi has walked back on his TV rant of last Friday, his “populist bullshit” remark remains on the record. This is not the first time that his mouth has not been in sync with his brain. I seem to recall a similar incident of verbal diarrhea in 2016, where again Bibi had to step in and both rebuke and correct Hanegbi.

The truth of the matter is that Hanegbi, a minister-without-portfolio, talk about jobs for the boys, is “alright Jack”, his inflated monthly salary has not been cut, he still has his car, his phone, his office, his flunkies, all paid for by the public, many of whom can’t finish the month, don’t have sufficient food to feed their families. That’s the real bullshit.

Shame on you Tzachi Hanegbi. Just maybe you will learn to keep your eyes open, your hearing tuned to what is going on around you, and your big mouth firmly shut!

“Netanyahu’s prescient warning about when a PM shouldn’t make ‘fateful decisions” -

Yet another brilliant opinion piece by The Times of Israel founding editor, David Horovitz.

Uri Heitner is 100% right, but no one has seen fit to remind Deri, Litzman & Co. Sure as hell Bibi will not; we know he’ll sell anything and everything to cling to power.

Israel is not the property of the ultra-Orthodox

With a wave of western aliyah expected, the state must recognize conversions conducted by non-Orthodox rabbinical courts and marriages officiated by non-Orthodox rabbis, and it must legislate for egalitarian prayer at Western Wall” -


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