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Journal Entry: July 2, 2020

I have no idea who Joe Biden will choose for his VP running mate.

He has made it clear that his preference is for a female of color.

In recent weeks I have read much about Tammy Duckworth, a name that, before reading about her in the New Yorker, I was not familiar with.

Today, by chance, I came across this YouTube clip of her entitled: Note to Self: Sen. Tammy Duckworth. and

Although I was familiar with her story from the New Yorker piece and various other articles, I am not ashamed to admit that this clip moved me to tears.

Naturally, I hope that Biden does select Tammy Duckworth because, despite her disability, this lady knows how to “kick butt”. More importantly, she is, in my opinion just what America needs, and, should Biden be unable to complete his term, I believe that she has all the making of a great president.

The one issue that may cause a problem is that she was born in Bangkok, Thailand. Her mother was Thai Chinese, her father a US Army veteran who worked with the United Nations. My understanding is that to be elected to the US presidency, you must have been born in the US. (Remember Trump and his assertion that Obama was not born in the US?). Does this affect her chance of securing the VP spot? What happens if Biden can’t complete his term, can Tammy Duckworth succeed to the presidency? Questions no doubt being reviewed by US constitutional lawyers.

Dancing in the Street.

We had been beat down a lot': the story behind 60s protest anthem Dancing in the Street Brilliant insight article on Martha Reeves (and The Vandellas) on this wonderful 1960s anthem.

While reading the article, I thought again of what Yossi Verter wrote last week regarding Israel and that in most other countries, 100,000 people would be on the street protesting, demonstrating against antics of the “Crime” Minister. Just look at what is going on in Hong Kong, people there care.

We, by contrast, don’t seem to care that our country, our democracy is being stolen from us, right under our noses by a bunch of poodles.

It will be interesting to see, following poodle-in-chief Amir Ohana’s Facebook post last week, what the police will do next time the Haredim block the streets of Jerusalem demonstrating against IDF enlistment. Will the demonstrators be arrested, detained overnight, or will Ohana, not wanting, heaven forbid to upset Litzman, Deri & Co., order the police to take a softly, softly approach?

It's bizarre that given his former service with the Shin Bet, that the man appears to lack “balls”. He is ready to dance to any tune Bibi wants.

Talking of Bibi’s poodles, interesting to note that Miki Zohar has been nominated by Benjamin Netanyahu for the chairmanship of World Likud, the party’s global wing, and if elected, as I am sure he will be, he plans to continue as Knesset coalition head as well as heading World Likud. Talk about “jobs for the boys”.


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