(The title of this snippet is taken from the 1948 movie, “Bless 'Em All”, although the song would appear to stretch back well into the 19th century.)
I rose early this Saturday morning, sometime around 4:15.
I had something of a revelation.
It was my epiphany.
It hit me like a ten-ton-truck; I don’t give a flying pig about our benevolent dictator Netanyahu and his band of sidekicks.
Yes, stop the world, I want to get off this crazy roundabout.
Yes, I am checking out of this mad world.
No, not physically. Instead, I am going to try and emulate an ostrich and bury my head in the sand. Or like a horse employ blinkers to restrict my view of shenanigans whirling around me.
Like the three wise monkeys; "see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil".
That is my aim from now on.
I don’t care if that slimeball Yair Netanyahu rots in Miami.
I don’t care about Bibi Netanyahu, Smotrich, Ben Gvir, and all the other shitheads who appear recklessly determined on bringing this country down.
They can all go to hell for all I care.
Fuck 'Em All